Please ensure your post doesn't alienate other trans people. If your post will be exclusive for a certain gender please include the proper flair. No posts that invalidate other users' identities NSFW comments are only allowed on posts marked NSFW.ħ. no pornography (even if the explicit bits are cropped out) or sexual content for the sake of being sexual.
Its Black Friday Time to hit the stores and try not to get trampled to death over a half price TV set. She has published three web humor books and six calendars, including You Had One Job and Photobombed. Posts must still be on-topic for the subreddit, i.e. Beverly Jenkins is a humor and pop culture writer. If your post includes Not Safe For Work (over-18/sexual) content, mark it as NSFW. Please don't link to transphobia (or other bigotry), even if your personal intent is to challenge the bigotry in some way. Things like transmedicalism will be dealt with as transphobia. Please don't say things which you wouldn't say to someone's face, or support ideas here which hurt factions of the trans community. This includes posting uncensored screenshots of chats, or threatening violence against others. This is an obvious one, but we need to say it just in case. Please ensure any posts you make relate to being trans/nonbinary/genderqueer/gender-non-conforming in some way.Ģ - Be nice to each other, no bigotry of any kindīigotry includes transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, ableism etc. A trans meme subreddit for trans things! Also check out: /r/trans_irl Rules